Wednesday, August 18, 2010


*Wednesday Wishlist is another weekly feature I'd like to add to the blog...because who doesn't like to day dream and wish for things?!?!

With only 1 Wednesday Wishlist behind me, and without further ado...I continue to Wish-Away!!!*

If money were no issue, everyone was fed, and there was Peace on Earth…I would wish for:

...a new, healthy, insulin producing
 and functioning Pancreas

AND...a vacation to France.

Sometimes it would be nice to just take a vacation away from Diabetes...but that can't happen since Diabetes fights for my attention 24/7/365. And ironically, taking trips and going on vacation usually makes Diabetes more of a pain
+ packing extra supplies,
+ going through Airport Security,
+ unusual eating schedules and activities, etc.

Fortunately, I was able to go to France with a friend yesterday
...without even leaving the city!

I promise to post more later, pictures and all!

Happy Wednesday!!! What are you Wishing for?!?!


  1. 2 very awesome wishes! I'll take the pancreas too, but I want to go to Bora Bora. :)

  2. Bora Bora...sounds great!
    I'm sure there are plenty of us who will take...and could use..the pancreas :)
