Friday, August 20, 2010


* With a week full of new weekly blog segments (found here and here)...we might as well end with another one...FRIDAY FAVES!

Yes, yet another segment to add to the list to keep me busy blogging away.

As opposed to my WEDNESDAY WISHLIST, where I blog about what I'm wishing for...this will be a segment of recent finds, things, places, etc. that are my favorite.

Without further ado, my current FRIDAY FAVE...


I can't imagine life without them. We grew up having sleepovers every weekend, getting together at Grandma's once a month for homemade ravs. We played handball in the basement and laughed all day long.

They were ALL involved in our wedding, and I couldn't have imagined the special day without them.

When I roll over in the morning as I'm waking up, I first see Derek... and then a picture of them on the wall just above Derek's head.

We've had many celebrations, lots of laughter, and few tears together.

They are...MY CUGINI!!! (which mean Italian).

The timing couldn't be more perfect for the cugini picnic! We have our more extended cugini with and my cousins and our parents' cousins and kids. The group keeps growing.

We eat, laugh, eat, play bacci ball, eat, and enjoy being together every summer. Did I mention we like to eat a lot?!?! We're ITALIAN! (and yes, several of us have DIABETES...both types 1 and 2).

 Looking forward to a weekend of lots of food & family
...and the first home pre-season Bears game.

What are your current Friday Faves?

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